Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Music that kids will love and parents won't hate

"More, more!" It's the chorus that is repeated as soon as I load Caleb into his car seat. He wants me to turn on music, and not just any music, his music. Oh how I loathe the high pitched voices and melodies that assault my eardrums. I try to distract him by singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" in hopes that he will forget that his cd is in the player. Fail. My plan never works. I give up my will, ruffle through the cds, and turn up the volume while my mind begins to numb. Folks, this should not be.

It's out there. I promise. There is real music out there. Music for kids that won't make parents want to poke their own eyes out. This is the beginning of several posts on this matter so lend me an ear, check out my picks, and be ready to sing along with a smile!

I think my husband would agree that our top pick is a group of dads who love to tell the story of Jesus. Meet Go Fish. Their music is fun, upbeat, and creative. We keep the preschool cd at the top of our playlist and you may be surprised to learn that the band just released an album of hymns! Say what?  Yes, Grandma would be so proud. Their latest release, "Kickin It Old School", features songs such as "Blessed Assurance" and "I'll Fly Away". Go Fish's music is some that parents and grandparents can not only sing by heart, but will have fun teaching to the kids in their lives.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Have you seen it yet? I encourage all parents to make it a priority to see this movie ASAP. It will challenge and convict fathers (and mothers) to step up and be the parents that God intended you to be. Your children have been entrusted to you. The bravest and most courageous thing you can do as a parent is to seriously consider the spiritual role you have in your child's life. What are you doing to model what it means to be a follower of Jesus?